Feeding Your German Shepherd
The German Shepherd is normally a fit, healthy dog with an average lifespan these days of 12-15yrs, but your German Shepherd will need a good diet from weaning age on and there is an enormous variety of foodstuffs suitable for this large breed.There is growing interest in feeding a more natural diet rather than dried foods so this is something to think about especially when considering the possible long term effects of diet.
Don't give him sweets or other foods that will rot his teeth and make sure his teeth stay clean and free from plaque and tartar. You don't always have to brush them, cleaning can be achieved by including in the diet a whole RAW rabbit or chicken - bones fur etc. included.
Don't cook otherwise the bones will splinter. Crunchy dried foods also may help clean the teeth.
German Shepherds, for all of their strengths, longevity, and robust build, have sensitive digestive systems. That is why you want to feed only high quality foods, raw, dehydrated or frozen raw. Below you will find several that we feel are very good in nutrition as well as being something our dogs will usually readily eat. Below you will find reccomendations for feeding your new dog. Their are many good foods but we have and or do use these products.

Along with that we highly recommend (we really want you to use these two) and we use them with all of our dogs, the following supplements;
We use Olewo Dehydrated Carrots for all our German Shepherds and highly recommed them to all of our friends and new puppy families. Please take a few minutes to read about the many health benefits of using Olewo Carrots.
Click on the logo picture to read more information on each item.
Under 6 weeks of age your puppy relied on its mother's milk/colostrum (highly nutritious milk produced right after birth) for the antibodies it needs to fight infection. Once you puppy is weaned, its immune system is vulnerable and challenged by the stress of adoption, and through exposure to novel bacteria and viruses in its new home.
Starting NuVet Plus now is important to helping your puppy grow into a healthy adult. Also, studies have shown that when puppies receive antioxidant supplements, immune response to vaccination dramatically improves.
We hope you will continue to give your puppy / adult dog these supplements as we feel they are very important for your dogs health.
Mike and Terry